Keep Fit with Pomera

  Because I was sick due to allergic reactions to chadokuga (poisonous hairy catapillars) for nearly two weeks, I could not do physical exercises over the past two weeks. Today I have visited a gym for the first time since early this month (June 2, 1012) and did a bit of weight training.  


  To keep track of my cardiovascular and weight training (menu, duration, intensitiy, etc.) I use pomera in the gym. The above photo shows my pomera (closed mode) in the gym in Harajuku this morning. When pomera is opened, it takes only a couple of seconds to see the last document (in this case, spreadsheet of my workout menu) which is ready to edit (see the photos below).

  I tried other tools to record my physical exercises (iPhone, iPad, log sheet provided by the gym, my own journal, etc.), and I found that pomera is the best one for this purpose. The greatest advantage is not only for its portability, but also for the ease of typing with the keyboard. I always add comments to each of the training sessions I conducted at the gym. The soft keyboard of iPad/iPhone was not easy to use in the gym.

  I also keep track of my body weight, body fat %, blood pressure, etc. measured immediately after I wake up every morning. This is a good way to check my health conditions. It works!




Posted on Sunday 17 June 2012